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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  October 23, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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welcome to the spin room. with questions building about what the president knew and when, the white house now scrambling to save the signature legislative achievement of the obama presidency. the administration is rolling out a full court press in an effort to undo some of the damage done. front one headed by the president himself. >> by now you've probably heard that the website has not worked as smoothly as it was supposed to. we're going to get it fixed. it's important to remember, though, that the affordable care act is much more than a website. >> so much more than a website, right, so front two is led by some of the closest advisers. valerie jarrett and dennis mcdonough will meet with health care insurance ceos at the white house. health and human services will then powwow with house democrats and kathleen sebelius will be in that meeting as well. cabinet secretaries and white house officials will hit the road to sell the enrollment.
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among them dallas, houston, orlando, and detroit. kathleen sebelius is expected to step in the line of fire last week but last night came to the president's defense in a new primetime interview. >> first knew that there was a problem? >> well, i think it became clear fairly early on. the first couple of days. >> so not before that, though? not before october 1st there was no concern at that point in the white house or at hhs? >> i think that we talked about having testing going forward. >> the final front four, the appointment of the new glitch czar, omb director jeff zientz will lead the so-called tech surge. david axelrod had this advice for zientz and the white house on "the last word." >> as i'm sure they are kicking a bunch of folks in the butt
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every day to make sure that what needs to be done is being done. >> kicking folks in the put. nbc white house correspondent peter alexander joins me now. peter, we just heard that kathleen sebelius saying that the president was not aware of the website's problems early on. we know today she'll be in that 2:00 meeting as private health insurance ceos come to the white house. basically this is a come to jesus meeting of the who was the project leader that let this go live then? >> that's one of the questions a lot of people are asking. we now know the president didn't know about this, about the problems until after october 1st. the question is whether hhs basically said, yes, let's go ahead with this thing, we've got to get it online right now. but that meeting taking place this afternoon with health insurance executives and some of the president's closest advisers, dennis mcdonough, his chief of staff, will be one of them there today it's going to be very significant. obviously these health insurers stand to gain millions of new enrollees through this expansion
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of the private insurance options right now. their concerns are multi-fold including one which is the concern of faulty data that they fear they may be getting through the processes that presently exist. the issues that exist with the health care websites right now. another one is that they fear they have not going to get the information with enough advance time before what the white house thinks will really be the big influx, before that first major deadline that is december 15th to be enrolled by the start of the new year, thomas. >> peter alexander at the white house for us. peter, thanks so much. so saz the white house scrambles to fix the problems with the, republicans are sharpening their arrows for it. reince priebus had this to say about secretary sebelius' claim that president obama didn't know about the warning signs, saying either secretary sebelius is lying to protect president obama or the president needs to get control of his signature health care law. here is kathleen sebelius last night answering questions about whether her job as secretary should be on the line. >> did you ever talk about resigning to the president?
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>> what i talked about is doing the job that i came here to do. this is the most important work i've ever done in my life. >> if this persists or even at this point now, would you consider resigning over this? >> i think my job is to get this fully implemented and to get the website working right. i work at the pleasure of the president. he is singularly focused on making sure we deliver on this promise. >> joining me right now is new york democratic congressman joe crowley, serves on the house ways and means committee. congressman, republicans like darrell issa are eager to begin these hearings on the flawed aca rollout. is it most important at this point because we're living in it, october 1st and the enrollment has already happened. isn't it better to figure out how to fix the problems than to start pointing the fingers now? >> that's exactly what i think, thomas. there's plenty of time to look
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back after we get everything fixed and get as many americans enrolled in health care for the first time, to look back and see how we could have done it better. at the end of the day, what we have right now are crocodile tears from the republicans. their effort is not to try to fix the system. they want to undo the affordable care act. that is their motive. that is what they shut down the united states government about for almost three weeks. that's what they brought us to the brink of defaulting on our government debts was to shut down or to repeal the affordable care act. so if their intention was to fix the problem, we would work with them more. >> unfortunately, this is certainly an unforced error to be living through this right now, but this is an amendment to the social contract of our country for what americans can have access to, which is affordable health care. so this is a big lift, sir. this is really big to try to be able to accomplish this. however, arizona senator john mccain weighed in on the obama care glitches at a town hall in tucson last night. i just want to play a small
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portion. take a listen. >> the fiasco called this rollout. it's pretty obvious that they were using technology from the 1990s here in the year 2013. now they say they are getting smart people in. well, they have already spent $600 million of your tax dollars and have a system that's broken and doesn't work. >> you would think we'd learn from the medicare part d glitches that happened about eight years ago how not to have glitches on such a heavy lift. politico is now reporting, sir, that this could all end up in lawsuits, saying that could lead to years of claims and counterclaims over a law that's already had its day in the supreme court. what's your reaction to that? is this just more obama care witch hunting? >> i actually think if my republican colleagues would yoz more of their speeches and their opportunities to speak to their constituents as to how they can enroll, for many of them for the first time in affordable health
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care as opposed to being on this witch hunt and attacking the president and the administration and what we're trying to accomplish here. it is more than just a website. it's about giving an opportunity for people to afford health care and to change their lives. my republican colleagues are on a quest for problems to exploit as opposed to finding problems to fix and to find a solution for. i think that we'll get through all this and at the end of the day mike medicare part d, i didn't vote for it but i helped work through the glitches. i think the same thing will happen here. in the end, the affordable care act is here to stay and millions of americans will benefit from it. >> congressman joe crowly, thanks. joining me now , bob, it's great to have you here. the republicans have seen their approval ratings tank after the shutdown. part of the fallout from the
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republican-led shutdown so it's not surprising that they're trying to change the conversation and get control of the narrative in washington, d.c. the house republican conference released a video highlighting the actual excerpts from an online chat between a potential customer and a customer service representative for i just want to show a small clip. >> don't lose your sanity over this website. try it. if it doesn't work, walk away. try it tomorrow. >> what you sent me seems like a canned response. >> it was. >> you have no way to assist those that ask for help? >> don't run with scissors. >> could the problems with the federal health care website cancel out any gains that the democrats made? it's really this error tripping out of the gate. >> sure it could. the republicans for several weeks appear to be on a political death wish, shutting down the government and flirting with default and the democrats were benefitting from that.
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now the democrats are playing into the republicans' hands. this is a real disaster. it doesn't mean -- i mean it's a technological disaster. it doesn't mean that obama care is a failure. but it makes the administration look incompetent. if you remember with the george w. bush administration, it wasn't iraq that ultimately caused his downfall in terms of the public, the way the public viewed him, it was the catastrophe in katrina where the administration and the president looked incompetent. so this could have long-term ramifications. >> when it comes to talking about, again, amending our social contract in our country and allowing the uninsured to have access to affordable health care, it's a big, big lift. but all of this depends on curb appeal. and all of this depends on the youth of america actually getting involved to help lift the tide, so to speak, of making sure that people can afford the cost of this health care. so how do we attract young people if we lose their
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attention on this out of the gate thinking this is a hassle, it's not going to work. i'm hearing all these people saying it's just a disaster. >> there's a danger that you won't. my best guess is after a period of time goes by, and it could be quite a long period of time, the affordable care act will ultimately work out. it is the law of the land. but with these young people, if you don't get enough of them, it becomes overly expensive and then it becomes a continuing budgetary problem. and then, i think, that there is one other issue that is very important here. the affordable care act, health care, is still consuming all of the oxygen in washington after all these years. we're not addressing some of the other major problems facing the country. >> no, it takes up a lot of oxygen. can we just show how colorado is showing and how they're trying to highlight the youth getting involved here, showing them saying got insurance, like got
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milk. hopefully again, in covering this and we want to show everybody what goes on with it, but it is important. that's the big point, that the uninsured youth have to get involved so hopefully they haven't been scared off. bob, great to have you here, we've got to run. our big question was inspired by our first read team. what's the more significant disaster, obama's rocky rollout or the state of the gop after the shutdown? you can weigh in on twitter or facebook. and then a christening fit for royalty. the third in line to britain's throne makes his second official appearance along with seven of his godparents. looks good there. also ahead, what republican house leader reportedly said to the president's face in a face-to-face during the government shutdown. has the level of disgust and vitriole reached a new high. why the taxman is getting more time to pay you but you're not getting more time to pay him.
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breaking news out of massachusetts where a high school teacher has been found murdered and a 14-year-old, 14-year-old student is expected to be charged with that crime. police say the suspect was reported missing after he didn't return home from school yesterday. all dan ver public schools have been shut down as police investigate this homicide. here's what the county district attorney had to say at a press conference this morning. >> at approximately 11:20 p.m. last evening, the police received a report that a high school teacher had not returned home from work and was not answering her cell phone. as a result of that report, police initiated a search for the teacher and discovered blood in the second floor bathroom at
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the high school. the school was immediately secured. >> all right. so katie has been following this story. there have been a lot of tributes pouring out over twitter. we've been covering the last two days the murder that happened in sparks near reno of another teacher. it's just an epidemic. >> it certainly is. there's a lot of grief, a lot of sadness, a lot of shock even across the country, certainly from that area. the teacher is 24-year-old colleen ritzer and she was reported missing last night at 11:20 after she never came home and wasn't answering her cell phone. soon that they found blood in a second floor bathroom in the high school and right after that they found her body in the woods behind the school. around the same time, though, a 14-year-old was reported missing. police found him walking down a highway at about 12:30 this morning. he is right now the suspect and he could be facing murder charges. as this all began trickling out this morning, as students were
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finding out about this, a lot of them took to twitter to express their sadness. i want to read you some of their reactions right now. we are going to miss you. you were so outgoing. rip wrote one. another said miss ritzer went out of her way to say hi to me in the hall even when i didn't see her. i'll never get that again. another said you do not deserve this at all. thank you for everything over the past year. miss ritzer was active on twitter tweeting about the boston bombings, about the newtown massacres, tweeting her condolences with that. she would tweet happy birthday to her students and homework assignments. this is just starting to be felt out there and a lot of shock. >> just 24 years old and more to come about this alleged shooter, 14 years old. katie, thanks so much. on to that other story, an update from nevada where police still don't know why a 12-year-old boy opened fire near a middle school basketball court killing a teacher and wounding
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two students before turning the weapon on himself. police say he brought the weapon, a semiautomatic handgun, from home and that the parents could face charges in this. school math teacher michael landsberry was a former marine and he was shot and killed when he tried to get the seventh grader to hand over the gun. >> it's just unbelievable. it's like a terrible dream. i love my brother and i wish he was here, but thank goodness he could help in any way possible. >> the marine is being hailed a hero. police are not releasing the shooter's name out of respect for the young child's family, but say the boy's family is currently cooperating with police. okay ladies, whenever you're ready. thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent.
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some side effects can lead to dehydration, i want to show you live pictures from what we understand is the royal baby coming out after the christening there. you can see mom and dad, will and kate, walking with the baby with the prince's brother behind him there. also some of the family members that are coming out, the middleton family there after what happened this morning. there was seven godparents stepping up to say that they will watch over faithfully of young prince george. one of our first opportunities to see the development of the young royal. we'll have more on this coming up later at the end of the show, a full report for you. speculation isn't dying down any time soon around hillary clinton's possible 2016 run for president, but all eyes are also on the possibility of a surge in women leading state governments. a new politico article out is predicting a rise in female
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governors. wendy davis could be added to the roster of the five current female governors. four are republican, one is a democrat. joining me is democratic new hampshire governor maggie hasset. your state elected its first all women delegation and the house and senate elected a record number of female lawmakers. we saw how women's health played a large role in the 2012 elections. what do you think will help give women an advantage come 2014 on the state level? >> well, thomas, thank you for having me on. and i think it continues to be really, really important that we have as many voices at the decision-making table as possible, having as many perspectives as you can when you're making decisions obviously creates better decisions. and just last -- a couple of weeks as we found our way out of the shutdown, we did so with female leadership. senator shaheen and senator
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ayotte from two different political parties really helped their colleagues and all of the senate and the house find a way to end the government shutdown and not go into default. and so i think it's going to be incredibly important for more women to run for office. we're seeing more women run for governor, and i think what voters respond to is just good decision makers and having a lot of different voices at the table so we make good decisions. >> we still suffer as a country in most areas without having women equally at the table. as i pointed out, new hampshire being very different at this point. but the center for american women in politics at rutgers tracking the women running for governor next year. 27 women have filed their intention to run. of them ten are running in an open seat race, 13 of running as challengers and four running as incumbents, including you. while it's not too late for more women to announce their goals to be a candidate, this below -- or
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this is below the record that was set in 1934 when 34 women filed to run for governor. did we just lose our governor shot there? we apologize for that. we'll work on trying to get the governor of new hampshire back on here in a second. but here's a look at some of the other stories topping news. the man who confessed on a youtube video to killing someone while driving drunk has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison. he had already pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced just a short time ago in a court of law. also had his driving privileges taken away for life. new details in the case of that unidentified little girl found living with a couple in a roma camp who are not biologically related to the child. the couple's lawyer spoke exclusively to nbc and says maria was given to the couple by a bulgarian prostitute and her boyfriend who were trying to find a home for the child. the couple initially declined to take the child because of the husband's criminal past but the wife persuaded him. police tell nbc that their story could turn out to be credible.
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federal animal health officials are trying to figure out what's behind a mysterious illness that has killed as many as 600 pets and left more than 3,000 sickened. they believe it could be tied to jerky treats made in china. pet owners are asked to report any problems with jerky treats at the fda's consumer safety portal. a clear majority of the country believes that pot should be legal. this is according to a new gallup poll that noted a 10% increase in the number of those in favor from a poll taken just last year. 58% of people polled said yes, marijuana should be legal. only 39% said no. more than 1,000 people were polled by phone earlier this month. plan [ alarm sound for malfunctioning printer ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. [ metal clanks ] ♪ this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? [ gears whirring ] talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have.
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you get to file late. eamon, explain to us why the irs gets a break but we don't? >> that's the way the world works, first of all. the reason that the irs cites is they say, look, we had a 16-day government shutdown during which we got all sorts of new laws and changes that we have to process for the new year. so the beginning of tax filing season was supposed to happen on january 21st. they say they're going to need a week or even two weeks to process everything now that they're back in business from that government shutdown, but the end of the tax filing season, april 15th, that's still a hard deadline. that's set in stone. so procrastinators, you still have that day to work on, but it's those folks who normally file early that are going to be affected by this thing. for some people they could see a delay in their returns. the irs will try to take those two weeks to make sure they have as smooth a return system as they can possibly have this year. >> i know this doesn't work for everybody, but this is why i love to fill out my personal exemptions and make them very
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high. i don't want the government to have access to my money and then give it back to me. oo i'd rather be charged and if i owe money, i owe money. what happens if the government shutdown goes back black in january? what does that mean to the potential for everybody in tax season? >> that's a total unknown at this point. i mean if it's a significant shutdown and we see this again, remember, they just kind of kicked the can down the road in washington and we'll be reviewing this fight early next year. if they shut down again for a significant period of time, the irs might have to do this again. they say it just takes them a lot of time to get their computer systems and software up to process all of the millions and millions of returns that they get every year, and they can't simply wave a magic wand and make that happen if they're losing all this time. they said that about 90% of their employees were affected by this government shutdown. they lost a lot of time here. if they do that again in the spring, we could see another delay, so fasten your seat belts. >> up your exemptions, that's what i always say. eamon, great to see you, buddy.
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the shutdown has released sh vitriol from the hill. during a negotiation meeting with the president that one republican house leader told the president, quote, i can't even stand to look at you. on the democratic side of things, congressman alan grayson is getting heat for second out this fund-raising e-mail with the image of a burning cross that says, quote, the tea party is no more popular than the klan. republicans like alan west of calling on president obama to condemn that e-mail and the republican congressional committee calls it hateful. in a statement to the huffing pun post kbrason says, quote, if the hood fits, wear it. senator ted cruz is being blasted for this statement he made monday night in houston. >> you know the nigerian e-mail scammers? they have been a lot less active lately. because they have all been hired to run the obama care websites. >> joining me right now,
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democratic congressman john yarmouth of kentucky, a member of the budget committee. sir, if we go back to what dick durbin saw during negotiations when someone at the high level of the meetings say they can't stand to be in the same room as the president, that really is a great descriptor of how bad things have gotten in washington, d.c., and it seems it's not professional, it's personal. >> i don't think day-to-day that's the way things are. i think over the last three weeks everybody was on pins and needles. everybody was in a foul temper. everybody was depressed and discouraged and frustrated. so i tend to write that comment off as to the temper of the times. i think day-to-day most people around here are pretty civil. >> all right. so what do you think, though, of congressman grayson's fund-raising e-mail and do you think that the president -- would you agree that the president should condemn that type of solicitation? >> you know, i've learned a couple things in my life in
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congress. one is you never talk about the ku klux klan, you never talk about nazis or hitler and you never talk about slavery, so i think that was a mistake on alan's part. he ought to apologize for that. >> so do you think it should just end with him or do you think the president should come out and condemn it? >> well, i think the president can't be responsible for what every democrat across the country does. if he wants to express himself on it, i think that's fine, but i don't think he's under any obligation to comment on what individual members do. >> so despite his vitriol, ted cruz is soaring among tea partiers. tanking nationally, though. but mike lee, who joined him in the fight in d.c., is facing some backlash at home in his district. business leaders saying they'd never support his re-election. so why do you think that cruz is more teflon and lee is feeling the heat more back at home? >> well, you know, there's a bubble that the tea party people live in, and cruz is kind of the
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one who's balancing that bubble on his head. so i think he tends to get reinforced all the time. i don't think mike lee has the same kind of national stature or renoun that ted cruz does. so, you know, i think mike lee has been pretty much under the radar for the most part. ted cruz wears it on his sleeve. and he's got a lot of bluster about him. i don't think mike lee has that same bluster. so ted cruz can intimidate people. i don't think mike lee does. >> if we talk about obama care, we know secretary sebelius will head to testify next week answering questions about the federal health website. we know that your home state's governor of kentucky has done a very good job with getting the uninsured in kentucky up and running and it's one of the success stories in the country now. as we look at mitch mcconnell, he's among seven gop senators who could be primaried because they dared to compromise on the shutdown. do you think that mcconnell will
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get blow-back or could the fact that obama care is actually doing well in kentucky insulate him from a party attack? >> well, he actually already has been primaried. a mat named matt bevins is running against him so he already has a tea party opponent and a pretty strong one. mitch mcconnell has been lying to the people of kentucky for the last four years about the affordable care act and those lies are catching up to him now because people are beginning to understand exactly the benefits of the affordable care act and it is not what mitch mcconnell has been representing over the last few years. we've already had almost 400 businesses representing 67,000 people sign up or begin the application process in kentucky. we've had almost half of our uninsured, 280,000 people have visited the website. we've got a 20,000 individuals who are now enrolled in insurance policies through it. so we're having a wonderful experience. and the more businesses and the
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more individuals that find out that the benefits are actually there, and they're telling their neighbors and their friends, this is really going to be bad for mitch mcconnell. >> sir, it could insulate him, though, and i should have said successfully primaried by matt bevins, because we know that the tea party is dead set against obama care. so if it starts working and people in kentucky reap some benefits early on, don't you think that mitch mcconnell can change his spin and know that there is a compromise that he was able to provide with getting the government back up and running, acquiescing over the obama care situation and maybe in the long run it could protect him? >> well, i think he's going to try that. it might help him a little bit to survive his primary race, but it's not going to help him in the general election. i mean mitch mcconnell has been spinning his entire career, he ought to be in an amusement park he spins so much. but ultimately the facts are catching up with hill and people realize that mitch mcconnell in this last episode basically was
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missing in action for a long time and then came in to save the day at the end. i give him credit for finally waking up to the reality of the world. but that's not going to change the dynamic that he faces for the next six months or so. he has people on either side of him that are making it very difficult for him to maneuver. meanwhile, i think the people of kentucky recognize that he really doesn't represent kentucky anymore, he's become a national figure and rand paul on the other side is running for president, so the people of kentucky are saying who's our senator? and i think this is really an uphill battle for him. >> john yarmuth, thanks for your time. >> thanks, thomas. royal watchers turn up the volume on your tv sets because the world's most famous new family made their second official outing. we're going to take you live to london where its prince george was christened today. but first the producer pick comes from meeghan o'connor. texas high school football, that is serious stuff. last friday just outside of ft. worth, it was a blowout game.
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"stubborn love" by the lumineers did you i did. email? so what did you think of the house? did you see the school ratings? oh, you're right. hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok? ...but what about when my parents visit? ok. i just love this one... and it's next to a park. i love it. i love it too. here's our new house... daddy! you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen.
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because an empty pan is a blank canvas. [ woman #2 ] to share a moment. [ woman #3 ] to travel the world without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. whatever the dish. make it delicious with swanson. same-sex marriage is illegal in oklahoma, but it didn't stop one couple from tying the knot without ever leaving the state. so how did they do it? jason pickle and darren black bear went to a native american tribal court which isn't bound by state laws an got an official marriage license. their union comes less than four months after the supreme court struck down the defense of marriage act and it's just one more example of the extent that same-sex couples are going to in the fight for bearimarriage equ. in neighboring arkansas, the human rights campaign is putting its weight behind a catholic schoolteacher who's been fired for marrying her long-time partner. last week they tied the knot
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after traveling to new mexico. moments later, the long-time teacher received a phone call from the school secretary and the principal saying she no longer had a job because her new nuptials violated the employee morals clause. jeaning me now is tippy and her spouse, barbara. ladies, thanks for being here. first off, congratulations on being newlyweds. i know we're not here on the best of circumstances with what's going on with the school. but congratulations. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> tippy, we reached out to the principal of your former school, the mt. st. mary's academy for a statement and did not receive one but we did receive a response she wrote on a theology professor who criticized her. she said it is not for me to decide, judge or disobey the 10ets of the church. i was hired to uphold my contractual obligations as a catholic school administrator and to carry out those functions as unpleasant as they may be. so what did this principal who you worked with for some time and who knew about your loving
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and committed relationship, what did this principal tell you when she called you right after you were married? >> she basically told me that her hands were tied, that she works under a contract also and that i had violated a clause in my contract and that she would -- there was nothing else that she could do. >> nothing else that she can do. basically to enforce the catholic doctrine meant to terminate your employment. barbara, explain what was it like going from this major step, this major moment in your life and your relationship, getting married, to realizing that now that your spouse is going to lose her job over this, lose her career at a school she's served for 15 years? >> the best way i can describe it is just devastated, absolutely devastated. it was unbelievable happiness and then the phone call and then i had to watch tippi cry nonstop for hours. and it was just devastating. >> it was earlier this year that the pope came out and made a
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statement saying that we need to stop being obsessed with homosexuals, abortion rights, saying that we need to step away from this moral doctrine that seems to be tripping so many people up, just simply asking what would jesus do in this situation. tippi, i know you're working closely with the human rights campaign and they're demanding an apology from the school from the discrimination that you experienced, there's a petition that's started that's received 50,000 signatures, as i understand. in its petition, it references recent comments made by the new pope saying your school's unjust discrimination flies in the face of pope francis' urging the catholic church hierarchy to put aside judgment of lbgt people. do you think this publicity will force the school to remind itself of the church's teaching of tolerance, especially with the shift in tone that's been demonstrated by the leader of the catholic church in pope francis? >> pope francis has given us great hope in maybe some of the reforms that might be happening
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in the church under his leadership, but probably the most hopeful thing to me has been and what will make the change has been all of the former students and current students that i've received such strong support from. this is -- this issue has passed us. it's the kids that are taking this over and they're the ones that are going to, i believe, take this issue forward and rid us of the discrimination. >> i was going to say maybe your former students here that save the day. do you have a desire to teach in the future or are you soured on it? >> oh, no, i would never be soured on teaching. i love teaching. i love the kids keep me young. i'm truly inspired and encouraged by them every day before this and after this. >> i think a lot of people can be inspired by you ladies. congratulations once again. i know it's going to get better.
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a lot more to go through when we figure out how you're going to get this apology, but i do hope that you get it. tippi and barbara, thank you. >> thank you. so a white house official has been fired for tweeting under a fake name for years before being caught. it's time now for the poli side bar. jaffi joseph was fired last week more than two years after the twitter handle suburb fased. joseph used the twitter handle to blast members and friends of the administration. his profile has been deleted but the daily beast managed to capture a few of those tweets. one called valerie jarrett a vacuous siefr. politico published an apology from joseph in which he called his comments inappropriate and mean spirited. president obama will meet later today at the white house with pakistan's prime minister. their conversation is expected to focus on the drone strikes at the pakistan/afghanistan border that have heightened tensions between the two countries. and a big apple style
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smackdown. new york city's mayoral candidates faced off in a debate last night and boiled over when talking about tea. >> are you comfortable with the fact that you sought tea party support for your candidacy in the republican primary? >> you know, bill, you talk about tea so much, you remind me of the mad hatter. >> from new york to virginia, a new quinnipiac poll puts terry mcauliffe seven points ahead of ken cuccinelli. more than three-quarters of likely voters said the government shutdown hurt their state. your financial advisor shd focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. if you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing.
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disappointing, get it right, fix it. thank heavens we have at least 2 1/2, 3 months before we get into the signing up time when people are required to sign up to work this out. >> that was house minority leader nancy pelosi minutes ago after saying she doesn't believe the individual mandate needs to be delayed. health care is also the big
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topic of today's question for you. we asked, what's the more significant disaster, obama care's rocky rollout or the state of the gop after the shutdown? well, robert responded, once the website is up and running, people will forget about it, but people will remember the mean-spirited nature of the shutdown. bev said, most rollouts have trouble. look what happened with the ipo and facebook. and from kenneth, the website can be fixed, but you can't fix stupid. we ask you to keep the comments coming in. the conversation always on twitter an facebook. the world got an up-close look at prince george today. he arrived with his parents early this morning at the st. james palace decked out in a robe fit for a king. prince george was baptized in the historic chapel royale. the baby has seven godparents to look out for him. joining me now is robert jobson,
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msnbc's royal contributor. only 21 people invited. this is obviously an intimate time, the christening of the young prince. is this a sign of how much they want to guard their baby's privacy? cameras have been allowed in the past. i believe there were cameras there for the queen in the '20s. >> absolutely. they definitely want to guard prince george's privacy. william is particular is very, very particular about this. years ago the queen, prince charles, and prince william himself were christening at buckingham palace behind me in the music room. this is a much smaller occasion. this is a much smaller occasion. although there were cameras around, they were very limited. only one or two. they're making sure he is kept under wraps. >> well, they needed the room because one-third of the people there turn out to be godparents of prince george. now, that's a break from tradition, correct? not normal to have seven
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godparents. >> it's normal to have seven. it's normal for the royals to have a few more than that. there are a couple of interesting ones there. princess ann's daughter, who's heavily pregnant herself, is one of his godmothers. also, one of princess diana's closest friends, julia samuel. shows they wanted to keep diana in their memories too and have a role to play. she was very important to william after the tragic loss of his mother. although the other names most people won't really recognize, they're really friends of the family and shows how intimate, close, he wants to keep that relationship. >> well, i know there will be a lot of competition among these godparents to get the best baby gifts come birthday time. robert, explain about the christening robe. it has quite a history. also, tell us about the cake that's going to be at the reception. >> well, the christening robe
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dates back to 1841 for the christening of princess victo a victoria, queen victoria's oldest daughter. it's been used for something like 60-odd christenings since then. this actual robe prince george was wearing is a replica made by angela kelly, the queen's dresser. the queen wanted this robe to be kept for posterity. it's actually a replica. the cake was the top tier of the wedding cake for william and kate. obviously, that's a tradition that was used in other families, not just royal families. >> well, it's lovely to see that they are trying to give little prince george a normal life. godparents, again, seven for this young prince, which is absolutely fantastic. there we can see some of the names of those that have been assigned godparent duty. robert, thanks so much. and thank you for your time. that's going to wrap things up for me. see you back here tomorrow at
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11:00 a.m. eastern time. "now" with alex wagner is coming up next. >> hey, thomas. republicans are going from repeal and replace to repeal and, yeah, no, no, we have a plan, kind of. we'll discuss with joy reed, david corn. plus, detroit going bankrupt. what does it mean for the last great american cities and the workers who live in them? and secessioneers. we talk about these divided states. all that when "now" starts right after this. . while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen,
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ahead fear mongering to distressed pathos. >> we've got the whole threat of obama care continuing to hang over our economy like a wet blanket. >> the rollout of obama care is nothing short of a debacle. and the american people are now fearful of their health care. >> the first house hearing on obama care begins tomorrow, and it is sure to be an even-handed, impartial affair given the title, implementation failures, didn't know or didn't disclose? tim murphy had this to say. >> this is comparable to trying to fix a car while it's still rolling down the hallway. >> indeed, the gop has been trying to scrap the car since it first rolled off the lot. as a refresher, hhs was given $1 billion to implement the law, despite the fact that the cbo estimated it would require $5 billion to $10 billion. more importantly, 27 republican
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governors declined to set up their own state-based exchanges while republicans in congress, too busy wasting $50 million on over 40 votes to defund the law, repeatedly rejected the administration's request for additional funds, leaving hhs to implement the president's signature legislative accomplishment on a shoe string budget. in the meantime, conservative groups spent their money running ads trying to scare americans from seeking out health insurance. given these extraordinary efforts to ensure failure, it's no surprise republicans are basking in the glow of so many error messages. ed rodgers in the washington post wrote, i'm rooting for obama care to fail, and i encourage others to do the same. at this point, the biggest problem for the 48 million americans without insurance is what to do when one party ab solves itself of all responsibility. then again, apparently the republican plan is coming. >> paul ryan will lay out the big repu